First of all congratulations to the PR Department of Himachal Pradesh
for taking initiative in the direction of professionalising its
working. Having worked with the Haryana Public Relations Department
for a year before entering the private sector, I had the opportunity
to understand the working of government public relations set up from
close quarters. The major hurdles are :
a. the lack of understanding amongst the politicians about the use of
public relations which does not go beyond getting their photographs
published in the newspapers (which the prime minister or their chief
minister reads);
b. the utter lack of understand amongst the bureaucracy in
understanding the role of public relations and giving them a free hand
in devising the PR policies for the government;
c. the government public relations department evolved through
government information departments which limited themselves to only
distributing information and not undertaking or practising two-way
d. the promotion of clerical and non-journalistic staff to the public
relations department, as one of the promotion avenues;
I have been engaged in conducting training programmes for the PR
officers in the state government departments of Panjab, Haryana, and
Himachal Pradesh, and have found that gradually the scenario is
changing with some of the senior officers or HoDs understanding the
need for professionalising the set up.
In fact, way back in 80s, Punjab Public Relations department was
perhaps the first one under the secretary-ship of Mr. H.V.
Krishnamurthy, to prepare a complete manual for public relations
practice in the department.
The chapters of PRSI and PRCI need to associate themselves and work
closely with the government pr departments, to bring about this change.
CJ Singh, CorePR
--- In prpoint@yahoogroups
> Himachal urged PR officials to go hi-tech
> Last week of the June 08 In Shimla, Himachal Pradesh's Information and
> Public Relations Department Director JR Katwal has urged public
> (PR) professionals to make use of latest technology while performing
> duties for enhancing their efficiency.
> Addressing a review meeting of the Deputy Directors, District Public
> Relations officers and other departmental officers, he said that the
> department has provided latest equipment to the field officers in
order to
> bring about qualitative improvement in their functioning and improve the
> information system in the department.
> Katwal exhorted the officers to strengthen feature service by issuing
> developmental features every week from the state and district
> Stressing on the strengthening of the photo bank, the Director
directed the
> DPROs to send the collection of important photographs of their
districts at
> the earliest to enrich the photo bank of the state headquarter.
> *He asked the officers to prepare more films on on-going
developmental and
> welfare activities by different departments in order to generate more
> awareness among public.*
> The importance of public relations is increasing in the present time
and the
> PR sector is witnessing revolutionary change and added that PR
> should update their knowledge regularly to keep themselves aware of
> developments in the field.
> Stating that the official website of the department was an important
> of information to media persons and public, Katwal emphasised upon
> strengthening it by providing all important information about various
> important events, press releases, cabinet decisions, photographs besides
> features and background stuffs for various government schemes.
> *Best of in my knowledge none of the states have no Public Relation
> Policies. Without good communication channel no one can survive in this
> modern age. *
> * *
> *Every one has understood importance and power of Commutations but
why State
> Govts have no policy of Communication/
> training program for PROs? Why Websites are not properly updated
> *
> * *
> *I request all members to post their views and comments. *
> Rusen Kumar
> Raigarh (Chhattisgarh)
> 98274 77507
> rusenkumar@.
> * *
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