Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Re: [prpoint] Media hype on sensitive issues and National security


Hi: TN Ashok has raised an issue.
There are very strict guidelines reg who can speak on behalf of GOVT.Only the Minister/Secy and the Official spokespersonc an speak to media.Officers above Joint secy level can speak with speciifc authorisation.
Infact in rpivate sector such chain of communication is not laid out and the PR person is almost gagged,with honourable exceptions.
In theis specific case of PokharanII, there was terrible confusion when teh political adviser to the then PM began breifing media daily withotu authorisation.He called China our enemy and hinted  that the nuclear weapon target could beChina.No chain of command was established for communciation in the initial phase.I personally intervened to advise that only MEA and atomic establishment should speak on the relevant issues.
Now that Dr.K.Santanam is no longer in Govt.He retired several years ago and entitled to air his views.Further,he has said whatever he said in the context of siginign of CTBT that bans further testing.Of tehseverla nuclear explosion in Pokharan II all may not have yilded the same level of data.
It should be noted that France that leads in nuclear energy defied CTBT and tested more than 500 times nuclear devices from its Pacific island territory.If one or two test is all that is required to test,why did France continue its testing?
I am against nuclear weapons and all for disarmament but you cannot unilaterally forsake such weaponryLatest reprots show that PAk is multiplying its nuclear arsenal.India's neighbourhood is becomign dangerous.
What is wrong if in democracy,different persons have different veiw poitns even on security issues.Govt should not be given monopoly over such discussions.
Once a person retires official secrets Act compels him not to divulge certain facts.But there is a time gap.after that this cap is not relevant.
Media has hyped Santhanam's views and has not brought out the otehr issue of India observing the moratorium on testing for ever and siging of CTBT.This needs a debate even if India signs CTBT in the light of Indo-US nuclear agreement that has removed the technology import ban on India.

2009/9/1 T.N.Ashok <>

Naren has raised an interesting point. Government should also follow corporate structure.
In a corporate only two people are allowed to talk to the media -- the CMD and the head of PR with
clearance from the management. You would have all seen this how our own member Arun Arora acts as the
spokesperson for DIAL project on TV or on print media. When I was at ALSTOM only the Country President spoke to the press and I briefed the media with his concurrence. No one else was allowed to talk to the media.
The idea behind the entire exercise is to avoid contradictory messages going out to the public. And this
is what saved the day. In manufacturing industry, factory managers are trained to talk to the press , they know exactly what to state and what not to state.
High time goverment followed such practices because such conflicting messages is not good
for its image, because there are so many sensitive issues involved. and believe me, ATOMIC ENERGY is the most sensitive issue in the world today with international policeman USA hawking around.

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 12:10 PM, Narendran A <> wrote:

Hi friends

Every media in the country today had the story on Pokhran II in the front page. Former Scientist of DRDO, K. Santhanam calling Phokran test as a fizzle. What he spoke was a highly sensitive issue concerning national security as well as image of the country.

There should be clearly drawn communication guideline for officials holding sensitive offices irrespective of them in service or retired.

I request members in the group share there thoughts on what all ways we can structure communication flow and also interesting incidence which can be learning for young professionals.

Best regards

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