Thursday, October 8, 2009

Re: [prpoint] News Editor of Dinamalar arrested by TN Police to please film incustry


Definately its wrong on the part of the Police acting swiftly. I doubt if initial investigations were done before arrest.
Normally people file defamation suit against journalist or magazine. This case is peculiar and need to be condemned.
Best regards

--- On Thu, 10/8/09, Prime Point Srinivasan <> wrote:

From: Prime Point Srinivasan <>
Subject: [prpoint] News Editor of Dinamalar arrested by TN Police to please film incustry
To: "New Media New Media Forum" <>, "TEJOUS GROUP" <>, "Prpoint Group" <>
Date: Thursday, October 8, 2009, 4:51 PM

dear friends

Yesterday, Mr Lenin, a Senior Journalist and News Editor of Dinamalar, one of the leading Tamil dailies was arrested by Tamilnadu Police, as if they were catching a criminal.

Last week, one of the film actress Bhuvaneshwari was arrested by Tamilnadu Police for the alleged prostitution.  The newspaper Dinamalar carried a story, that  Bhuvaneshwari,  the arrested actress  gave a statement to the Police accusing few more film actresses as if they were involved in prostitution.  This news report was denied by the Actors Association and they complained to the Police about this.

Next day, Dinamalar carried a box item prominently aplogising for the story and mentioning that it was not meant for hurting anybody's feelings.  They also apologised if anybody was hurt.

In spite of the apology, film industry friendly Tamilnadu Government instructed the Police to arrest the News Editor of Dinamalar.  Yesterday, few Police officers entered the Dinamalar office  in civil dress and arrested the news eidtor as if they were catching a great criminal.  Mr Lenin, the news editor has been remanded to judicial custory and sent to central prison.

Today morning, prominent film actors met personally Mr Karunanidhi, Chief Minister and thanked him for arresting the Dinamalar News Editor.

Now all the journalists in Chennai have joined together and are protesting this arrest.  Probably, it is leading to a war between film industry and journalists.  The film industry friendly TN Government is now catch-22 situation

I am not able to understand as to why TN Government and the Police were in a hurry to please the film actors by arresting a senior and well known journalist, within a day of memorandum submitted by the film people.  There are many number of issues of public interest affecting the common men are not being attended to by the Government and also by the Police. 

Secondly, why the Government should arrest a news editor, when the paper has sought apology prominently in their edition.  If the film industry, wants to get redressal, they can approach the court for damages or complain to Press Council of India. 

I request members to share their views.  Let us together condemn such hasty actions of the Police.

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