am in complete agreement with the end of the day results is what matters to the clients.
Dewaker Basnet
On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 10:27 PM, BNK < > wrote:
The question of who pays whom shouldn't arise. You pay for the services that you get!! Be it corpcom or PR agencies at the end of the day we are all into one business - of delivering deliberate, planned, sustained communication to our target audiences.
Regardsbnk2009/1/25 V Jagannathan < >
It is not the question of untouchable. It may be the group's policy to restrict the membership to their clan. So it is not possible to demand membership. Further while the role of Corp.Comm and PR agencies may seem complimentary, the major difference is who pays whom.From: Sindhu Rajasekharan < >
Subject: Re: [prpoint] Why PR agency professionals are treated as untouchabiles by Corpcom professionals?
Date: Sunday, January 25, 2009, 10:59 AM
Very true.. Each of their roles are complementary. . The problem is simple.. There is a general attitude among few of the corp comm professionals that agencies' role ends with media relations, which is not.. The mindset of perceiving the agency as a strategic partner is seemingly decreasing among the corporates, hence it has led to a situation where corp comm portals would not want to share the portal they network among themselves.
Infact, most of them would have started their career from an agency. Think people, before creating a revolution against the Agnecy community.
On 1/24/09, CABSFORD Public Relations <cabsford.publicrela tions@gmail. com> wrote:cabsford.publicrela tions@officelive users.comCorporate Communications officials and PR Agency personnel are made for each other. They are complementary and supplementary to each other. If they co-exist peacefully and with mutual respect, then the whole sector of PR benefits and flourishes. If one group thinks that it can exist without the other, then it is hypocrisy.Nurul Islam Laskar, CEOCABSFORD PUBLIC RELATIONS & COMMUNICATIONS
Government Press Road
Guwahati-781 021
+91 361 2656699/2656813
+91 99541 91836
EMAIL: cabsford.publicrela tions@gmail. com
Website: www.cabsford. media.officelive .com
Sindhu Rajasekharan
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B N Kumar
Concept PR - "Agency of the Year" award winner from PR Council of India
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