Dear All,
As a World Heart Day initiative a free cholesterol tests beginning September 23rd till December 31st 2009. Tests will be available at your convenience. It provides an opportunity to check lipid profiles of your near & dear ones - free of cost. This initiative is an annual activity undertaken every year on World Heart Day since 2007.
For 2 FREE cholesterol tests SMS 'Heart' to 53636 and you will be directed to a centre close to you. This World Heart Day, you can take time out from your hectic lifestyle and find out if you are HEART-OK. It's only good to know that you're doing fine.
B K HeenaMumbai
On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Prime Point Srinivasan < > wrote:
dear friendsWorld Heart Foundation jointly with WHO observe last Sunday of September every year as 'Wolrd Heart Day'. This year, Sunday the 27th Sep is being observed as world heart day globally. Last week, I met and took a podcast interview with Dr Sathish Guptha, who has dedicated his life for treating cardiac problems through life style changes free of cost. He has conducted extensive research on this vital issue with the support of DRDO (Dr Abdul Kalam had shown keen interest in the studies) and Ministry of Headlth, Govt. of India. I will be releasing his interview on 27th Sep. However, I am writing this mail to share some of the most important shocking information, which we have not given serious attention.Present status in IndiaOver a period of few months, India had only 200 deaths due to swine flu and the media coverage was very extensive. Lot of unwanted panic was created/being created on this issue. Do you know that every year around 5 million people get fresh heart attack in India. It is estimated that around 50 to 100 million people in India are suffering from heart problems.Around 20 lakh people die of heart problems every year (of which 12 lakh due to fresh heart attacks). That means around 5,000 people die of heart attack every day in India. According WHO study, the heart problems which was at 1% in India in 1960s, have gone upto 14% in 2005. If corrective measures not taken, WHO has predicted that it may double (nearly 30%) by 2015. It is an alarming status. On the contrary, United States which was having large number of heart attacks in 1960s have reduced by 50% and are reducing further. A study reveals that all Indians, wherever they are are prone for heart attack.Why heart attack happens?
When arteries get blocked (arteries block), blood circulation gets reduced, leading to heart problems. The study conducted in 52 countries supported by WHO has now revealed that it is a' lifestyle disease'. This disease which was once prevalent in the elderly age group is now attacking even the younger group of 25 and above. This is a very serious problem for our younger generation.Artery blocks happen due to accumulation of bad cholesterol (what is known as LDL). Good cholesterol gives support to the body system. Dr Guptha has shown me some angiography pictures of some young patients with multiple blocks of more than 80 to 90 percent even.How bad cholesterol gets formed?30 percent of the bad cholesterol is formed through our food habits. Non vegetarian food, alcohol, junk foods, smoking, sugar contents, etc. 70 percent of the bad cholesterol is formed due to our mind and thoughts. Anger, depression, Type A behaviour, mental stress, racing against deadline, work tension, negative thoughts, cynicism, etc. Many times 'mood decides the food'.Most of our youngsters, are under heavy pressure to meet the deadline of their work schedule, causing heavy mental tension. They do not find time to do physical exercises, yoga, etc. some of them are cynical in nature. Dr Guptha says, when cynicism gets combined with other behaviours, particularly Type A behaviour, it is a 'deadly combination'.India, which is rich in traditions and culture had maintained low incidence of heart problems earlier. Suddenly when we opened up ourselves to global level, India imported all the bad cultures from west and US. This changed our life style. US, which was not rich in culture like India earlier, had a high incidence of heart problems. Now they have started changing the life style and started importing Indian culture like yoga, exercises, vegetarianism, etc. According to Dr Guptha, this is the main reason for India topping in heart problems in the world.What normally is being done, when heart attack comes?Through Angiography, the blocks are detected. When blocks are found, presently two methods are available in hospitals. Through angioplasty, they push the bad cholesterols to the wall and give way for the blood flow. Alternatively, through by-pass surgery, doctors by-pass the blocked artery for blood circulation. The surgeries may cost more than 2.5 to 3 lakhs. Even after surgery, there is no guarantee, that bad cholesterols would not block the artery. Even the doctors say that 'by-pass is only time-pass'.Though 50 lakh people get fresh heart disease every year in India, only 1.60 lakh people were done angioplasty or by-pass surgery last year. Because of treatment cost, only less than 0.5 percent go for surgery. As said earlier, nearly 20 lakhs of people die of heart diseases every year.Only beasue of this, Dr Guptha with the support of Dr Abdul Kalam, when he was heading the DRDO and the Govt. of India conducted study to find an alternate method to tackle this problem. The study has been proved successful and has been accepted by the word community of doctors.How to manage/avoid heart disease through life style change? -Now due to pressure of work, competition, our youngsters, (even nowadays working women) are prone for heart disease. Dr Guptha has successully cleared multiple artery blocks through changes in their life style, behaviour, food habit, etc. without surgery. I have personally seen the angiography of the patients. He has suggested few tips :1. Get up at 4 AM and do meditation. This is the right time for meditation.2. Go for morning brisk walk between 6 am and 7 am during sun rise. At that time, lot of oxygen would be available. (110 steps per minute). Evening walk at 6 pm (during sun set when maximum oxygen available)3. 7 to 8 am - keep your mind positive. Read or listen positive things, including spiritual scriptures, visiting temples, etc. He even suggests that since media contains lot of negative reports, you can read newspapers after 8 AM. That means, keep your mind positive upto 8 AM. That is like charging your mobile. This positive energy will keep you fit for the day.4. Go to sleep at 10 PM. Early to bed and early to raise is important.5. Take breakfast at 8 to 9 AM. Morning breakfast is very important. Many youngsters skip breakfast, which is highly risky. Take breakfast like a King and night dinner like a miser.6. Avoid junk foods, Non vegetarian, alcohol, smoking, etc. Take more vegetables and fruits which are naturally available.Most important is keep your mind free of anger, negative thoughts, cynicism, tension, etc. Physical exercises are must. Even avoid lifts in your office and use the staircase.As NGOs, media and communication professionals, we have a great role in creating awarenessabout this deadly disease. I will release Dr Gupta's interview on 27th Sep for the benefit of all. I am writing this in advance, so that we can all plan to spread awareness amongstour people. K. SrinivasanPrime Point91766 50273
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